This web page GayJourney.COM has an awful lot of gay flags, which are mostly variations on other flags, including all US states, all Canadian provinces, and many nations. I suppose there will be many more like the Maryland one at that will to be known or developed and then known. This seems to be a fairly consistent pattern - taking an existing flag and 'merging' it with the Rainbow Flag or various GLBT symbols to represent GLBT members of the group the existing flag represents. The rainbow flag forms the basis for many different, in part localized, variants. Miscellaneous Reports about the Rainbow Flag Two-spirited people of the First Nations.National and sub-national flag variations:.Variations with order and number of stripes.Flag with two conjoined rainbow patterns.Rainbow Flag for Transgender and People of Color.Rainbow Flag with heart and crossed bones.Miscellaneous reports about Rainbow Flag.Keywords: rainbow flag | stripes: 6 | smiley | labrys | earth | map: earth | hat: cowboy | aids | pirate | crossed bones | heart (black) | aids | matlovich (leonard) | This page is part of © FOTW Flags Of The World website Variations of the Gay Pride Rainbow Flag Sexual Orientation Flags